5 advantages of the Piano Notion Method

1 - Repertoire

The repertoire was carefully selected from among the most beautiful songs from around the world. The date of composition as well as the country of origin of each song is indicated along with the title. The composer’s name is also given, and if the composer is unknown, a Roud number is provided. The Roud Folk Song Index is a database of songs collected from the oral tradition from all over the world.

2 - Progression

In Book One, the hands remain in the same position on the keyboard to help students learn the songs more easily. This allows them to focus on rhythm, fingers and hand coordination without worrying too much about the notes. The finger numbers above the notes gradually disappear so that students develop their music reading skills.

3 - Presentation

This piano method contains a collection of pieces and may also be used as a repertoire book. There is no superfluous drawing that distracts the attention of the student. The method gives students the opportunity to build on prior learning and fully assimilate the material as the pieces become increasingly difficult.

4 - Appendices

Musical concepts are presented one at a time, with examples and exercises provided in the Appendices. Students then put these new concepts into practice as they learn and perform the pieces, further exploring and assimilating the new ideas and skills. Rhythm and note reading exercises are provided in the Appendices. They are listed by order of difficulty to help students develop their music reading skills.

5 - YouTube Videos

Videos of the performance of all the musical pieces of the books are available on the website. In order to quickly find the searched videos, they are classified in the same order as the pieces discussed in the notebooks. With a computer or a tablet, the student can validate his interpretation without the help of the teacher.